What kind of animal is a horse - How horses learn and how we can become better teachers.’
There are many reasons humans love horses; they have been a significant part of our lives for thousands of years. Horses have ploughed our fields, and fought our wars and been a remarkable part of our civilisation. In modern times they are our partners in sport, leisure and adventure. We love to look at them, admire them and have them in our lives.
This ability of horses to be such a partner to humans is down to their physical abilities. But it’s also significantly due to their brain; their huge capacity to learn and their keen desire to ‘get along’.
However, even today, with all our understanding of equine science and horse psychology we still often hugely misunderstand our horses. We get frustrated or stuck because we don’t really know how to make best sense to them. We expect them to be ‘someone’ they’re not, and we both end up confused.
Our horse exhibits behaviours we don’t like (like napping or spooking or bolting) because they’re trying to tell us something they have learned or something they feel.
Very often a horse is doing something he has been ‘taught to do’ by a human - even if it’s the exact opposite of what a rider wants!
I believe everyone can be the their horses' best teacher with just a little more insight into who a horse really is and how they learn.
If we can use our brains, we can become part of the solution rather than part of the problem. Your horse will thank you and you will also have a much better time.
All proceeds go to Sirona therapeutic horsemanship. The talk will be complimentary to members although donations to support the cause will be gratefully received. There will be a £5 charge to non members with all proceeds going towards the charity and South Brent Riding Club will make a donation as well.
Please private message Caroline Devenish if you are interested in attending.
Doors open from 5.15 talk starts at 5.30pm at Cheston Cafe
The café will be open for you to treat yourself to refreshments and cake